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LGBT Tech 2024 Net Inclusion Recommendations for LGBTQ+ Inclusion in Digital Inclusion Programs and Initiatives

1. Prioritize intersectionality: When working with a particular organization or community remember that there are still LGBTQ+ folks in those communities that will have additional needs or barriers related to digital access.

2. Cultivate safer spaces: When creating community programs or materials ensure they are clearly inclusive and welcoming. For example, if hosting a digital skills training event for women make sure to indicate if that's an event open to non-binary or gender diverse people as well. Another recommendation is to make considerations when choosing a physical (or virtual) space where you are hosting programs. Do these spaces have bathroom access for transgender and gender diverse participants? Consider creating a culture of sharing pronouns in virtual spaces when sharing names to show others it is safe to the same in those spaces.

3. Tailor Digital Skills Training: When creating materials it's important to think about the unique needs of each community. For example, on the Lifeline or ACP federal benefit applications be sure to let clients know they will need to use a legal name but that information will stay private. This could be important for some folks who do not use their legal name in their daily lives. Reminding folks that information will stay private helps many LGBTQ+ feel more secure in applying for these types and benefits. Or, when helping to identify a household when assisting with federal internet access benefits, make sure to be mindful to include queer families and households in the examples as well. If you are creating documents on digital privacy or online safety make sure to be inclusive of LGBTQ+ experiences online.

4. Promote Accessibility: For many LGBTQ+ folks they may not feel comfortable or have access to attend non-LGBTQ+ focused events. Try meeting folks where they are at, attend Pride events or ask to drop in to a virtual group that local LGBTQ+ centers may host for their community. 

5. Include SOGI in data collection: Use best practices to safely collect data related to sexual and gender identity (SOGI) anywhere that you are collecting other demographic information such as on grant or program reporting.

6. Inclusive Materials and Outreach: Share pronouns when hosting events, and allow space for others to share theirs on online forms, names tags, or online meetings. Make sure outreach materials are diverse and promote visibility and inclusion of LGBTQ+ individuals and families. This helps let LGBTQ+ people know they are welcome and included in your programming or initiative. 

7. Keep Learning, Keep Connecting: Utilize local, state, and national LGBTQ+ organizations for partnerships and planning to ensure LGBTQ+ people are included in digital equity efforts in your community. At LGBT Tech we are happy to connect and collaborate on ideas for promoting digital access for LGBTQ+ communities worldwide. 


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